Monday, September 22, 2014


Sometime in 1992, I had the most marvelous yet frightening dream. And until I woke up, I didn't know it was a dream.

In my sleep that night, I saw myself in the ‘realms of eternity’. I was conscious of self in eternity but I was at the same time able to view events as if I was an onlooker.

Why I call it 'eternity' is that time stopped ticking in that realm for me. I’m assuming with God’s enablement: You can view the history of the whole world in eternity and yet never be conscious of time. And that was what happened to me. My life now appeared to me and I began to review and preview it as I wished. Where I was in the realms of eternity, there was no hurry for anything.

However, I realized that life for me in eternity started the day I gave my life to Jesus Christ ... to God that was what counts. So the vision of my life started from that day onward.

I saw the day God visited me and I didn't know He was visiting me at that time. It was a dark night in 1989, and I wept and asked God: “If truly Hell exists and Heaven exists, let me not be thrown to such a wicked place like Hell. I can’t control the rate I am sinning, and if there is any way I can make it to Heaven … since You are my creator … please make the way for me.”

And a still small voice spoke to me thrice: "Your prayers have been heard", after which I had perfect peace and the turbulence of guilt left my soul.
Any other thing that happened afterward was just mere formality, because God was there with me that night and I saw that it was the event that triggered my salvation. I saw when I gave my life to Christ; when I got filled with the Holy Ghost in 1991, and many other things which I won’t go into details here.

I noticed in the vision that unfolded before me in my dream that my life seemed to be divided into three stages:

1: I was a very serious and a devoted Christian during the first stage -- roughly a timeframe of up to ten years or even more.

2: After that I became spiritually lukewarm and cold during the second stage; my life became entangled with worldly, selfish and sinful things.

3: Then during the third stage, I suddenly made a resolve to serve God faithfully and even though it wasn't easy for me, due to the magnitude of negative things happening in the world then, I continued being faithful.

Then the very unexpected happened suddenly! One day, the rapture occurred. The people left behind in the rapture heard noises; some heard the earth quaking; some didn't hear anything; but the magnitude of the event was too awesome to me who saw it in eternity.

The second and first heavens were filled with the brightness of God; all the host of heaven, without any warning of any sort, suddenly galloped down to the earth; there was pandemonium amongst the demons even in the kingdom of Satan. Hell shook; all the devils on earth fell down like dead men, until the event was over as quickly as it had started.

Firstly, graves of dead saints in Christ were opened and they flew up into the sky like rockets; Jesus stood there in the sky, hovering over the earth with outstretched arms. And then the saying was fulfilled which says: "Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles shall be gathered together". (See: Matthew 24:28

Then we who were alive and in Christ were caught up together with those who rose from the grave. This was done with no human or angelic intervention, but by the power of God … which was so awesome that day!

In the dream, in a twinkle of an eye, I saw myself changed and put on a glorified body, while I flew up and was joined together with the rest of the saints around Jesus Christ in the sky, just above the earth. Jesus looked around Himself as if He was able to take stock of all the millions upon millions of people that stood around Him in white clothing. Being satisfied that all the saints that God the Father gave Him were complete … He began to smile.

At that stage, as we stood in the sky around Jesus, not being in a hurry to move away from there, I couldn't help but admire those around me, and to marvel at what was happening. The thought that was going on within me was: "So I made the rapture? So this is the rapture spoken about? How easy I could have missed it like others who were left behind! Did I really do anything to merit this? My God - I am changed forever! Had I known that this would be like this, I would've served Jesus with all my being every second of my life on earth."

Then the unthinkable happened. I saw many people I would have assumed to be sinners while on earth – they made the rapture. In fact they even appeared to outnumber those who I knew as “Christians” while on earth; because so many of the "so-called Christians" I had known weren’t serving God with their hearts at all, but just mere half-hearted lip service! Just mere show and pretense – man made religious activities of sorts. They had various stages of knowledge of God, but had no real, personal one-on-one intimate relationship with Jesus Christ the Judge -- obeying His clear commands in scripture to obey Him had been lukewarm at best, if at all. So many were spiritually deceived and in their deception, deceiving others … “practicing lawlessness” as Jesus referred to them as in Matthew 7:21-23. These were all left behind to suffer.

This all instantly unfolded before me as I stood there in the sky: Those who made the Rapture (particularly those whom I once thought were sinners) had given their lives to Christ at a certain juncture in life, and even became faithful to God to various degrees; yet in time they chose to live completely without compromise by the absolute standards of God's Word: Righteousness, Holiness and Truth. These were the ones who were taken instead of the "so-called Christians", who were left behind to face the mighty wrath of the devil, an emissary of no little kindness that helps to convey the Father’s sore displeasure to sinners.
"But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.  For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 
"Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy [walking in uncompromising righteousness (right relationship with God) - uncompromising obedience to God's Word] to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man."  - Luke 21:35-36 (NKJV)

Then in eternity, I suddenly looked at Hell and my heart stood still. Many of my friends, including my neighbors and even my relatives and those long dead and forgotten … were in Hell!

Generations upon generations of people were in Hell. Even if one had thrown a thermonuclear bomb to wipe out all the people that are currently alive on planet Earth out of existence, it wouldn't have measured up to the magnitude of horrors which I saw the generations of people experiencing in the eternal damnation of Hell’s fire.

It is a shocker of the worst kind for you -- a saved soul -- to know that even one of the souls that you had known on earth is in Hell. Same thing for those in Hell: It brings possibly the best consolatory knowledge to those in Hell to know that one of the souls they knew while on earth made it to Heaven. Nobody in Hell wishes anybody on
 earth to join them in Hell -- that was how bad a knowledge the vision of my dream revealed to me.

Surprisingly, there in the rapture I was like God and could view and get answers instantly to all my questions and even about those people in Hell! THEREFORE I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TO YOU JESUS FOR REDEEMING MY SOUL -- OUR SOULS!

Then I woke up to find out that it was just a mere dream! And what a dream indeed ... except the Bible says it is actually going to happen!

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.  And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And thus we shall always be with the Lord.  Therefore comfort one another with these words.
  - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (NKJV)

By Dennis Ejeh Glenn

Monday, August 11, 2014

The coming of the Anti-Christ, the Beast!

As for the coming of the anti-christ, the beast, the Lord revealed to me 2 days ago that let no man’s heart be troubled, because he will not come into the world till God causes him to appear. He will appear in the most dramatic way, under a time schedule that will be apparent that God almighty has begun to intervene in the world’s affair.

The book of revelation sets the precedence on a 7 numbered agendas. According to God’s divine number as exhibited in Genesis, the number 1 stands for the separation of LIGHT from DARKNESS (good from evil). The number 6 stands for the creation of MAN which stands for the ULTIMATE agenda of God for that era, and number 7 stands for a period of rest, after which satan attacked in a gross way… to deceive mankind.
Revelation started with a letter addressed to the 7 churches. I am not talking about that now. But I will only say that these all represent an era of time similar to that depicted by Genesis timeline only that the events are different.

Next revelation talked about the opening of the 7 seals. This is the era all mankind is facing now. The first 4 seals have already been broken and we are seeing the worst outbreak of diseases, wars, famines and natural disasters.  We are passing through the era of the 5th seal now. What remains next?

The 6th seal is about to be broken, but I am going to interpret it in a way that I have not seen any Christians or denominations willing to interpret. But I must warn you that I am telling you nothing but the truth as God revealed it to me 2 days ago…. that it is the will of God that both the  Christians and non-Christians be ushered soon into a period of great trouble primarily caused by the intervention of God in the affairs of man. The trouble will begin and progress till somewhere near the climax, the rapture would occur, before the great tribulation begins. Yet I will not GIVE a specific time for the rapture to occur, least I be made a liar, but however I can confidently tell you that, in accordance with the scriptures, which I used IN ODER to compare scriptures with scriptures, the rapture will not occur till after the LAST TRUMPET has sounded. 
The last trumpet is the 7th trumpet that will be sounded  which would usher in the kingdom of God with power; satan and his demons would be cast down to earth and banished from all the corners of (second) heaven… thus signifying the start of the great tribulation. Men can only make it to heaven then only if they offer their lives to be killed by the devil, would demand allegiance only to (himself) the antichrist.

The intervention of God in the affairs of man will start this way… a great earthquake will shook the whole world to its very foundation. While men are screaming and muttering to themselves that God’s anger has begun, the angels of God would use this period  to go around and put a (hidden mark) seal on the forehead of every child of God on planet earth, including the selected Jews. This signals the end of the 6th seal.

Then as the 7th seal is opened, after a brief silence in heaven, 7 angels would be given each a trumpet to sound. Mind you, the sounding of each one of the 7 trumpets signifies a certain catastrophe hitting the earth. The mind of God here is that people should become acutely conscious of this supernatural happenings; that people should know that God has intervened acutely in the world’s affairs; that people should repent and be saved (in fact, that is why the rapture cannot occur in this period so that the children of God having the seal of God on their forehead would lead many to salvation or preach to the ‘tribulation saints’ who would repent later).

But contrary to all expectations, I think that the major problem really began on planet earth when the 5th trumpet was sounded. A star fell from heaven and went and open the bottomless pit. Here is where the problem of interpreting the book of Revelation starts for many Christians. In fact, I have never seen or heard of anybody who got it right… everyone who reads this portion believes that the bottomless pit is a hidden place of mystery.

Rather, it is not a hidden place of mystery, but a place that will soon be knocked open in the future by a star (to be precise… a black-hole star). Many scientists and Christians have already begun to know and to speculate that the earth has a large hollow inside. That is, the earth is like a large football with empty space inside (even though our geography textbook has never taught us that). Some Russian scientists, who drilled a hole to about 14km into the earth at the Kola peninsula in Russia, were surprised to stumble into the gate of hell. They discovered that the driller busted into an empty cavity that was more than 2000 degree centigrade (or the surface temperature of the sun). And when they send a sensitive sensor inside, they heard the scream of millions of people in hell. The project was closed down immediately afterward and sealed.

When the bottomless pit is opened... locust-like creatures would come out of it and torment mankind for 4 months (but only those who do not have the seal of God on their forehead). And no one will be able to die this period even if you seek for death. I believe that after this period, those who refused to accept God are now ready for the antichrist.

The antichrist, who was chained in the bottomless pit, would use this period to come out of the pit and interact with the world. For the first 3-and-a-half year, he would be trying to court the world and make them love and believe in him. But after the 7th trumpet has sounded and satan is cast out of heaven down to the earth, his mission would become extremely critical to satan… so that for 42 months (or the reaining 3-and-a-half year) mankind would experience a great tribulation not parallel to anything ever witnessed. Those who did not pay heed to the gospel would do that with their blood they were to repent during this period because I am sure the rapture would occur after the 7th trumpet (the last trumpet) is sounded. Trumpets were used in the Bible days to signify warnings… and when he last one has sounded, you cannot have any more warnings but the face the wrath of satan.

My conclusion is that, you do not have to wait for this period to come, because if you die in your sins now, you’d go to hellfire. Judgment starts from the day you die; you cannot repent again. What a foolish thing  to think that there is still time on your side! My mother who saw heaven and hell before she died, said “when I was taken to heaven, I saw some angels ready to blow trumpets”. I never did understand what my mother was saying, till 2 days ago when God gave me the interpretation that He is about to intervene in our football-watching crazy world. Soon,no more Arsenal or Chelsea fans… but you will be forced acutely between God and satan to cast your vote on your destiny.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Who Created God?

I had a mighty encounter about God in 2007 and He revealed to me how and why the universe began! First, He made me understand that the universe is inter-dimensional and not merely multidimensional. "Inter-dimensional" means that there are certain aspect of the universe that is not visible... this realm that is invisible God made me to understand is the eternal dimension as stated by Isaiah (that He God inhabits 'eternity') and this realm passes through the universe and all other dimensions. This is a realm that only one and one person can inhabit; the ETERNAL DIMENSION is inhabited by Almighty GOD alone!

Another good name to call this realm is simply ETERNITY! Some Christian theologians went further to differentiate this realm of existence from all others by calling it the SEVENTH DIMENSION. The best way to describe God's realm and all other dimensions is to look at them as being depended on God's ETERNAL realm for existence.  It is from ETERNITY that our molecules and structure and all forms of life are upheld. This realm is like an invisible tentacle that runs through everything in the universe... that is why God can be everywhere at once a property called OMNIPRESENCE! God is in this realm and this realm is part-and-parcel of GOD or God Himself, as it is the very essence of Life!

The properties of God's realm is amazing as He began to show me, I realized that God with respect to our time measurement is a tripartite time entity... He is in the past, present and future all at once. That is ETERNITY!  ETERNITY cannot be created... THAT IS WHY GOD IS ETERNAL! Mere mortals cannot comprehend this quality but can only perceive and feel it... because the truth is that no one would die a physical death. We are all mandated to wake up from the graves in a mass resurrection to live forever either in the LIGHT (heaven) or in the DARK (lake of fire).

The revelations I got from God was so much that I wrote about a 300 pages book about it. Contact me at for further inquiries.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011




Who is man? The identity of man lies in the very word the Godhead said in Genesis:

“Let Us make Man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Genesis 1: 26).

Do you really know what this scripture is talking about? Please, remove the veil from your eyes… we were created to be LIKE GOD ALMIGHTY! Man was created for the sole purpose to be part of the Godhead! We were created to be gods!

While I was writing this book, God made me to understand that spirit beings don’t think or reason the way flesh does. In spiritual reasoning of spirits, one is ‘one’! Two things becoming ‘one’ are now ‘one’ and no more ‘two’!

God: “The sole purpose of creating anything classified as ‘living being’, particularly Man, is for him to be like Me in everything. For him to be ‘one’ with Me and even my equal!”

Me: “Wow! This is difficult for me to understand. How can we be God’s equal?”

God: “Son, read Genesis where man was created. What did you see?”

Me: “Let Us make man in Our…”

God: “Who are “Us”? And who are the “Our” in there?”

Me: “I guess it is the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost!”

God: “You are right! But I have a little surprise waiting for you. Keeping on reading…”

Me: “…make Man in Our image, according to Our likeness… But O God, what is that supposed to mean?”

God: “You were created to be like Us; never to die but to be eternal like Us. Please read on good boy!”

Me: “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them…”

God: “Can you see that clearly now?”

Me: “Yes, Lord! This is truly amazing! But why do humans regard themselves inferior to you?”

God: “Good question! This trend of things began during the great chaos – even before the fall of man. That was when one of Us began to practice evil!”

Me: “Who is ‘Us’ now… you and the devil?”

God: “Okay, read Genesis 3: 22, once more!”

Me: “Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil”…

God: “So who are Us in that context?”

Me: “The Trinity?”

God: “No, Lucifer was inclusive too!”

Me: “Lucifer and You were the ‘Us’? I can’t believe that!”

God: “Believe whatever you want. ‘Us’ was used as a referential term. Of course, it wasn’t I who knew the ‘good and evil’, it was Lucifer. I don’t practice evil. Lucifer does; and he’d been like Us. I couldn’t sentence him to everlasting punishment, unless I find a way to go about it. Because he had rights to be like us then. That is why I created man to do the job for me. “

Me: “What? God, this can’t be true!”

God: “Please, be quiet and listen! I don’t practice ‘evil’. I am Holy… I can’t defeat or punish the devil from my own standpoint. Righteousness can’t intervene when somebody has his own rights?”

Me: “What right has the devil over You?”

God: “He was created to be one like Us, and he had the keys. And I couldn’t have taken back those keys from my side of holy realm. Man had to disobey, get disconnected from my ‘holy realm’ to the other realm of ‘evil’ called Death, to snatch the keys from Lucifer. If he succeeds, then Lucifer would be doomed forever!”

Me: “What keys are you talking about God? Did you predestine us through Adam to fall from grace?”

God: “Even though I didn’t pre‐destined man to fall from grace, I knew he’d fall from grace because I could see far into the future. To perfect the plan of redemption thoroughly, and to salvage the universe from ‘evil’, the Godhead masterminded ‘salvation’ in the disguise of Man. God divided Himself into three functionality. The Father remained in Heaven to rule the holy realms. The Word became a man, died, went into Lucifer’s realms of Death, and seized the keys. The Holy Ghost was poured out to re‐unite man back to the Godhead.”

Me: “Wow! When did all these things happen?”

God: “It was when Jesus died and rose again. He did His part of the bargain by snatching the keys from Lucifer. It is there in Revelation.”

Me: “Yes! Revelation 1: 17‐18 says, “Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.”

God: “You see, Jesus has done the job already. We are very happy in that the great day of reckoning is at hand. You see, it is the great lies of Lucifer right from the garden of Eden that I didn’t make you men like Me. Why did you try to be like Me, by eating the fruit, when you were already like Me? What else do you want me to do?”

Me: “You said that the Holy Ghost would re‐unite man back to the Godhead. What did You mean by that?”

God: “Your readers are waiting for… just tell them the rest of the story. I’d give you the inspiration.”

What a conversation! Back from Heaven… here I am!

Why is the Holy Ghost supposed to re‐unite man back to the Godhead? It all began when Jesus was baptized with water:

“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.

And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”.”

In this simple looking scripture lies the key to the power of the resurrection. The event in this scripture signaled the great event that lies ahead in future. This was the exact day and moment God ‘beget’ Jesus. It meant that the status of Jesus was completely changed – or would be completely changed after His resurrection – from Man to Divinity. For the Holy Ghost to become part‐and‐parcel of man’s genetic code, God who wanted His Word to be reconciled back to Him, reassured Jesus that he’d resurrect from the dead and ascend to Heaven with a new spiritual body made up of the Spirit.

“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3: 6).

Can you see this clearly? Flesh and blood can’t inherit the kingdom of God. So we are to enter the kingdom of God with a spiritual body. Now, what is this ‘spiritual body’ all about?

The spiritual body is the Church! And this spiritual body is the baptism carried on us by the Holy Spirit. In the resurrection of the dead, the Holy Ghost would genetically translate our physical bodies from the natural realm to the unlimited realm and the Spirit would permanently write the laws of God in our hearts. We’d put on the Holy Ghost as body!

On the resurrection day, the Holy Ghost would merge with the Church. Just as the Word became a fleshly Man forever, also, the Holy Spirit would pay His own price by becoming ‘one’ with the Church. This was the counsel of the Godhead.

God created man because He had a deep longing to see Himself in His creation. Man is the masterpiece of God’s plan to reconcile the whole universe and His creation back to Himself. Man’s true identity lies in what we’d be like after the resurrection. MAN WOULD BECOME PART OF THE GODHEAD FOREVER! That would happen during ‘the Dispensation of the Holy Ghost’ when the Church would begin to reign.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Jesus Blog: Creation- "My Questions for the Atheists!"

Jesus Blog: Creation- "My Questions for the Atheists!": Atheists ask, "How is it possible for God to create the earth before the sun?" They question the order of creation in the bible because ...

Friday, August 19, 2011


This article is taken from my book titled: “THE DELIMITATION OF THE UNIVERSE”! In that book, I stated that there are three universes or three types of universe: First heaven, Second heaven and Third Heaven

Right from my childhood I like giving ‘nicknames’ to people and things around me which I feel accurately describe what I perceive about them. Now that I am grown-up I realized that the ability to give names to things that accurately describe them is a gift from God.

So that is why this book is full of terms which I coined for some of the things in the revelations that God gave me.

In this book I termed First Heaven or nicknamed it ‘The Delimited Universe’; Second Heaven I nicknamed ‘The Limited Universe’ and ‘Third Heaven’ I termed ‘The Unlimited Universe’ or ‘the unlimited dimension’.

I said earlier on that the three universes are held together by an entity called ‘solipse’, which is my short-form term for ‘sole‐eclipse’. Yes, I have called it ‘sole‐eclipse’ because the unlimited dimension runs through the other universes and everything is living inside the Unlimited Universe, so that the unlimited dimension is ‘sole‐eclipsing’ everything in creation.

For instance, whenever you receive a phone call in your bedroom, electromagnetic waves are in fact floating into your room, passing through your walls and even through your body. You hear a voice speaking through your cell phone and you recognize for instance your sister’s voice. You are actually appreciating science without knowing it – and that is exactly how the Unlimited Universe runs through everything. God sees everything you do. We live, eat and walk in Him and by Him – just as a poet rightly says, “We are all God’s children”.

Miracle happens whenever the unlimited dimension intervenes over our Universe. Then we can say, ‘solipses’ has occurred. The first and the second universes are warped by soliptic codes (sole-ecliptic codes). Whenever a miracle occurs, ‘solipses’ has taken place, which means that God has ‘sole-eclipsed’ or intervened over our dimension.

In the mighty revelation God gave me in January, 2007, I saw clearly that miracle is the intervention of God’s power over the universe. Since it is not always obvious that an unseen power is causing the miracle, I have decided to name a miracle ‘sole-eclipse’ or solipse, which can be looked upon as the hidden body of God that runs through everything, upholding it. I prayerfully asked God to prove to me biblically what these inter‐twinning material which I termed ‘solipse’ that runs through everything is and He gave me a name for it: ‘WATER’! I was dumbfounded because I realized it was not my own idea  or intent to call it 'water'... so I began to investigate whether this was true!

WATER was the only substance that wasn’t even included amongst the recreation of the Earth in seven days. It was there on the Earth, all along, from the very beginning of time! Remember, also, that WATER formed the bases by which everything on our Earth was created! Wow! Read Genesis 1:1‐10 again. Water was there in the Garden of Eden; it is also found in the New Jerusalem of the 22nd Chapter of Revelation, proceeding out of the Throne of God.

God told me that ‘much waters’ symbolizes His presence. ‘Lack of water’ symbolizes His absence. Hell‐fire in Hades is so dry because there is scarcity of water there. God spoke to my spirit: “that is how soliptic codes look like that runs through everything”! It looks exactly like water. Frozen water is earthy; liquid water is heavenly, and vaporized water is hellish!
“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38).

Everything is coded by solipse or water. If God is in you by His Spirit, it is because you’ve unlocked the fountain of these waters! That is why Jesus said that ‘out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’ if you believe in Him.

God told me that He hardly interferes with the universe because His presence is there by His water, which passes through every substance. So nothing happens in Heaven, on Earth and down in Hell without His knowledge!

Since the presence of God symbolizes water, that is how also the three universes are composed:
i. Heaven: symbolizes LIQUID WATER – which is very dense, saturated and compacted with God’s presence. The scriptural prove is in John 7: 38, “out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water”… which by interpretation means, “the presence of the Spirit of God”.
ii. Earth: symbolizes ICE WATER – which isn’t as dense or saturated as liquid water. The fact that ice floats on liquid water shows that ice is in fact lighter than liquid water. Ice or ‘frozen water’ symbolizes the partial presence of God. That is why Earth is partially dark. Scriptural proves can be seen in Job 6:16: “which are dark because of ice”.
iii. Hades: symbolizes WATER VAPOUR – which is indeed very scanty and unsaturated. The very scanty nature of vaporized water denotes the scarcity of God’s presence. That is why Hell and the regions of Death are very dark and dry. Scriptural proves: “when an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.” (Matt. 12: 43).

Hello! Did you catch the revelation about water?

Let me clear up a certain misconception that has been puzzling scientists. In Heaven, where the water of God is much, the place is deemed SATURATED. Divinity doesn’t use the word ‘dense’ – ‘dense’ means SATURATION and lightness; while ‘spaciousness’ means HEAVY and dense! These definitions may seem wrong to humans, but they are spiritually correct. Darkness, even though it is very spacious, is in fact very dense and heavy just as Divinity deems it. Divinity’s definitions always act true to course… 

Sometime ago, some men tried to tamper with the chemical composition of water, H2O by creating ‘heavy‐water’ isotope, H3O. God doesn’t’ like ‘heavy‐water’ molecules because it is a deviation from His beloved water. That is why ‘heavy‐water’ is very radioactive! Adolf Hitler, an antichrist, wanted to experiment with ‘heavy‐water’… only God knows what could’ve happened if Hitler had gone ahead…..

Magic is definitely not a Miracle. The table illustrates the differences between the two of them.
Intervention by the Unlimited Universe  over the natural forces of Delimitation in our universe
Intervention by the Limited Universe over the natural forces of Delimitation in our universe
Done by the powers of Divinity
Done by the powers of spirits
Miracle is done by ‘solipses’
Magic is done mainly by bending time to accelerate objects to appear or disappear
Miracle is done by the Unlimited Universe over the Limited and Delimited Universes
Magic is done by the Limited Universe over the Delimited Universe
God is the source of all miraculous manifestations
Lucifer and his spirits are responsible for magic
Can be done by God, human agents and spiritual agents
Can be done by human agents and spirits only
Source of Origin= GOD
Source of Origin= LUCIFER

Magic is done by spirit beings inhabiting the Limited Universe: they bend or slow time and accelerate objects. A miracle can bring a snake out of nothing, as done by Moses, but a magic can accelerate snakes to appear obviously from somewhere else. Magic employs ‘quick‐speed’, which is like lightning: if things appear so fast, it wouldn’t be obvious to the physical eyes how they come to be.

What Moses did was to turn a physical rod into a snake by miracle. But the Egyptians sorcerers’ merely made their own rods to disappear from view, replacing them with snakes, which came by importing them by lightening‐speed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The only way God Almighty can ‘beget’ us as sons wherefore we cry “Abba, Father!” is by translating us unto the Godhead. The only way God can translate us from being ordinary to being spiritual – from humanity to Divinity; from manifesting physical powers to manifesting spiritual powers; from doing our wishes to doing the will of God, is by anointing us with the Holy Spirit.

At Water baptism, we attest to our Faith; at the Spirit baptism, we confirm openly of our translation to Divinity. At Water baptism, we prove by faith that we are born again; at the Holy Spirit baptism, we prove by power that we are born of the Spirit!

The baptism of the Holy Ghost translates us into the realm of the Spirit. We are now in touch with God; we could now read people’s thoughts; heal their bodies, and perform all kinds of miracles as God’s will. These great works aren’t done merely by the speaking of the Word alone, but by the power of the Holy Ghost, who tells us exactly what to do in order to cause His powers to flow.

When I got filled with the Holy Ghost as a new Christian, we students organized an outreach. We went to a village to minister the Gospel to the people. There we cast out devils, prayed and healed the sick in Jesus name. There was this demonic possessed girl – an agent of satan – whom we delivered through prayers. She afterward followed us about, begging us to give her the Holy Ghost. She said, “Wow! There is bright fire burning all over your bodies, covering you Christians like a garment. It is so marvelous to behold… please give me this powerful fire or Holy Ghost of yours that I may be like you…” We told her to calm down and obey God… only then, would God give her His Spirit.

After Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost, within 31/2 years, He did what He couldn’t do within the first 30 years of His life. He became an instant super‐star; a mighty miracle worker, and a great prophet. I loved what Luke said, that (Jesus left Galilee an ordinary man for the river Jordan and) He returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit:

“Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region.” (Luke 4: 14).

How can we be ‘born of the water and of the Spirit’ in order to enter Heaven? Being born of water is being born again. However, being born of the Spirit is, in fact, the baptism of the Holy Spirit!

Let me make you understand. Water baptism is a sacrament or rite that symbolizes your Faith as a born again. You are born again not because you were baptized by water but because of your Faith in God. So water baptism is just like an identity card for people to know you are employed in God’s vineyard. Honestly, if a born again person wasn’t baptized by water before he died, such a one would still go to Heaven. People may not see his identity card here on earth but his employers in Heaven would still recognize him when he comes knocking.

The Spirit baptism doesn’t take anyone to Heaven. The Holy Ghost is given to us as a seal of confirmation that we would be translated unto the Godhead at the resurrection. It is like a stamp that God will not withdraw from His own part of the bargain unless we withdraw ourselves.

“… the Holy Spirit of God, whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Eph. 4: 30).

If the Holy Spirit baptism isn’t responsible for taking us to Heaven, then what is the operation of being ‘born of water and of the Spirit’ all about? Good question! Going to Heaven unless you are ‘born of water and of the Spirit’ is the sacraments, which Jesus instituted. First, Jesus commanded, after the death of John the Baptist, and after His resurrection from death, that everyone should be baptized by water “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”. In this particular sacrament, we have access to the three covenants of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost).

Whether you are baptized with water or not, which is merely a symbolic rite, or whether you are baptized with the Holy Ghost or not; at the new birth when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are given full access by right to the three covenants of the Trinity. A right of ownership doesn’t necessary make you the sole possessor of an inheritance if you are found wanting. Foolish people leave their assets to rust, while wise people invest theirs wisely.

Therefore, how does being ‘born of water and Spirit’ makes us to enter the kingdom of God? Paul said that the Holy Ghost has sealed us for the day of Redemption. Water helps us here on Earth to live the life of Faith; but entering Heaven’s kingdom (on the future day of Redemption) is done by the Spirit, who would quicken our mortal bodies during the resurrection of the dead. That is when the Holy Spirit would become part of our genetic code forever. We’d become spiritual beings, so that this statement would be fulfilled “what is born of the Spirit is spirit”.

If you, for some reasons, didn’t receive the Holy Spirit baptism in your life‐time on Earth, provided you were born of water (born again), you’d be born of the Spirit during the resurrection because of your full access by right to the three covenants of the Trinity. But for not receiving Him here on Earth by the Spirit baptism, you’d have wasted that part of grace given to you. The parable of the talents symbolizes what you’ve done.

The man with ten talents went and traded and made more; same with that of five talents… while the one with one talent went and buried his. The master came back and rewarded the ones given ten and five talents respectively because they invested wisely. But the foolish servant was severely punished.

Jesus also told us about the parable of the ‘Ten wise and Ten foolish virgins’. This parable symbolizes what would happen during the resurrection. The 10 wise virgins carried oil in their lanterns while the 10 foolish virgins didn’t. Oil is a fluid; and a fluid symbolizes the presence of water. Water is Faith (or the faith to be born again)! So when the bridegroom came for them, the 10 wise ones lighted their lantern. How? With oil! They carried water in them. By faith, they were born again; so the Holy Ghost (also called ‘Fire’) could ignite them and resurrect their bodies. But the foolish virgins weren’t people of faith – they weren’t born again or illuminated. That was the genesis of their undoing.

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