Who is man? The identity of man lies in the very word the Godhead said in Genesis:
“Let Us make Man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Genesis 1: 26).
Do you really know what this scripture is talking about? Please, remove the veil from your eyes… we were created to be LIKE GOD ALMIGHTY! Man was created for the sole purpose to be part of the Godhead! We were created to be gods!
While I was writing this book, God made me to understand that spirit beings don’t think or reason the way flesh does. In spiritual reasoning of spirits, one is ‘one’! Two things becoming ‘one’ are now ‘one’ and no more ‘two’!
God: “The sole purpose of creating anything classified as ‘living being’, particularly Man, is for him to be like Me in everything. For him to be ‘one’ with Me and even my equal!”
Me: “Wow! This is difficult for me to understand. How can we be God’s equal?”
God: “Son, read Genesis where man was created. What did you see?”
Me: “Let Us make man in Our…”
God: “Who are “Us”? And who are the “Our” in there?”
Me: “I guess it is the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost!”
God: “You are right! But I have a little surprise waiting for you. Keeping on reading…”
Me: “…make Man in Our image, according to Our likeness… But O God, what is that supposed to mean?”
God: “You were created to be like Us; never to die but to be eternal like Us. Please read on good boy!”
Me: “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them…”
God: “Can you see that clearly now?”
Me: “Yes, Lord! This is truly amazing! But why do humans regard themselves inferior to you?”
God: “Good question! This trend of things began during the great chaos – even before the fall of man. That was when one of Us began to practice evil!”
Me: “Who is ‘Us’ now… you and the devil?”
God: “Okay, read Genesis 3: 22, once more!”
Me: “Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil”…
God: “So who are Us in that context?”
Me: “The Trinity?”
God: “No, Lucifer was inclusive too!”
Me: “Lucifer and You were the ‘Us’? I can’t believe that!”
God: “Believe whatever you want. ‘Us’ was used as a referential term. Of course, it wasn’t I who knew the ‘good and evil’, it was Lucifer. I don’t practice evil. Lucifer does; and he’d been like Us. I couldn’t sentence him to everlasting punishment, unless I find a way to go about it. Because he had rights to be like us then. That is why I created man to do the job for me. “
Me: “What? God, this can’t be true!”
God: “Please, be quiet and listen! I don’t practice ‘evil’. I am Holy… I can’t defeat or punish the devil from my own standpoint. Righteousness can’t intervene when somebody has his own rights?”
Me: “What right has the devil over You?”
God: “He was created to be one like Us, and he had the keys. And I couldn’t have taken back those keys from my side of holy realm. Man had to disobey, get disconnected from my ‘holy realm’ to the other realm of ‘evil’ called Death, to snatch the keys from Lucifer. If he succeeds, then Lucifer would be doomed forever!”
Me: “What keys are you talking about God? Did you predestine us through Adam to fall from grace?”
God: “Even though I didn’t pre‐destined man to fall from grace, I knew he’d fall from grace because I could see far into the future. To perfect the plan of redemption thoroughly, and to salvage the universe from ‘evil’, the Godhead masterminded ‘salvation’ in the disguise of Man. God divided Himself into three functionality. The Father remained in Heaven to rule the holy realms. The Word became a man, died, went into Lucifer’s realms of Death, and seized the keys. The Holy Ghost was poured out to re‐unite man back to the Godhead.”
Me: “Wow! When did all these things happen?”
God: “It was when Jesus died and rose again. He did His part of the bargain by snatching the keys from Lucifer. It is there in Revelation.”
Me: “Yes! Revelation 1: 17‐18 says, “Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.”
God: “You see, Jesus has done the job already. We are very happy in that the great day of reckoning is at hand. You see, it is the great lies of Lucifer right from the garden of Eden that I didn’t make you men like Me. Why did you try to be like Me, by eating the fruit, when you were already like Me? What else do you want me to do?”
Me: “You said that the Holy Ghost would re‐unite man back to the Godhead. What did You mean by that?”
God: “Your readers are waiting for… just tell them the rest of the story. I’d give you the inspiration.”
What a conversation! Back from Heaven… here I am!
Why is the Holy Ghost supposed to re‐unite man back to the Godhead? It all began when Jesus was baptized with water:
“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.
And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”.”
In this simple looking scripture lies the key to the power of the resurrection. The event in this scripture signaled the great event that lies ahead in future. This was the exact day and moment God ‘beget’ Jesus. It meant that the status of Jesus was completely changed – or would be completely changed after His resurrection – from Man to Divinity. For the Holy Ghost to become part‐and‐parcel of man’s genetic code, God who wanted His Word to be reconciled back to Him, reassured Jesus that he’d resurrect from the dead and ascend to Heaven with a new spiritual body made up of the Spirit.
“That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3: 6).
Can you see this clearly? Flesh and blood can’t inherit the kingdom of God. So we are to enter the kingdom of God with a spiritual body. Now, what is this ‘spiritual body’ all about?
The spiritual body is the Church! And this spiritual body is the baptism carried on us by the Holy Spirit. In the resurrection of the dead, the Holy Ghost would genetically translate our physical bodies from the natural realm to the unlimited realm and the Spirit would permanently write the laws of God in our hearts. We’d put on the Holy Ghost as body!
On the resurrection day, the Holy Ghost would merge with the Church. Just as the Word became a fleshly Man forever, also, the Holy Spirit would pay His own price by becoming ‘one’ with the Church. This was the counsel of the Godhead.
God created man because He had a deep longing to see Himself in His creation. Man is the masterpiece of God’s plan to reconcile the whole universe and His creation back to Himself. Man’s true identity lies in what we’d be like after the resurrection. MAN WOULD BECOME PART OF THE GODHEAD FOREVER! That would happen during ‘the Dispensation of the Holy Ghost’ when the Church would begin to reign.