Monday, August 11, 2014

The coming of the Anti-Christ, the Beast!

As for the coming of the anti-christ, the beast, the Lord revealed to me 2 days ago that let no man’s heart be troubled, because he will not come into the world till God causes him to appear. He will appear in the most dramatic way, under a time schedule that will be apparent that God almighty has begun to intervene in the world’s affair.

The book of revelation sets the precedence on a 7 numbered agendas. According to God’s divine number as exhibited in Genesis, the number 1 stands for the separation of LIGHT from DARKNESS (good from evil). The number 6 stands for the creation of MAN which stands for the ULTIMATE agenda of God for that era, and number 7 stands for a period of rest, after which satan attacked in a gross way… to deceive mankind.
Revelation started with a letter addressed to the 7 churches. I am not talking about that now. But I will only say that these all represent an era of time similar to that depicted by Genesis timeline only that the events are different.

Next revelation talked about the opening of the 7 seals. This is the era all mankind is facing now. The first 4 seals have already been broken and we are seeing the worst outbreak of diseases, wars, famines and natural disasters.  We are passing through the era of the 5th seal now. What remains next?

The 6th seal is about to be broken, but I am going to interpret it in a way that I have not seen any Christians or denominations willing to interpret. But I must warn you that I am telling you nothing but the truth as God revealed it to me 2 days ago…. that it is the will of God that both the  Christians and non-Christians be ushered soon into a period of great trouble primarily caused by the intervention of God in the affairs of man. The trouble will begin and progress till somewhere near the climax, the rapture would occur, before the great tribulation begins. Yet I will not GIVE a specific time for the rapture to occur, least I be made a liar, but however I can confidently tell you that, in accordance with the scriptures, which I used IN ODER to compare scriptures with scriptures, the rapture will not occur till after the LAST TRUMPET has sounded. 
The last trumpet is the 7th trumpet that will be sounded  which would usher in the kingdom of God with power; satan and his demons would be cast down to earth and banished from all the corners of (second) heaven… thus signifying the start of the great tribulation. Men can only make it to heaven then only if they offer their lives to be killed by the devil, would demand allegiance only to (himself) the antichrist.

The intervention of God in the affairs of man will start this way… a great earthquake will shook the whole world to its very foundation. While men are screaming and muttering to themselves that God’s anger has begun, the angels of God would use this period  to go around and put a (hidden mark) seal on the forehead of every child of God on planet earth, including the selected Jews. This signals the end of the 6th seal.

Then as the 7th seal is opened, after a brief silence in heaven, 7 angels would be given each a trumpet to sound. Mind you, the sounding of each one of the 7 trumpets signifies a certain catastrophe hitting the earth. The mind of God here is that people should become acutely conscious of this supernatural happenings; that people should know that God has intervened acutely in the world’s affairs; that people should repent and be saved (in fact, that is why the rapture cannot occur in this period so that the children of God having the seal of God on their forehead would lead many to salvation or preach to the ‘tribulation saints’ who would repent later).

But contrary to all expectations, I think that the major problem really began on planet earth when the 5th trumpet was sounded. A star fell from heaven and went and open the bottomless pit. Here is where the problem of interpreting the book of Revelation starts for many Christians. In fact, I have never seen or heard of anybody who got it right… everyone who reads this portion believes that the bottomless pit is a hidden place of mystery.

Rather, it is not a hidden place of mystery, but a place that will soon be knocked open in the future by a star (to be precise… a black-hole star). Many scientists and Christians have already begun to know and to speculate that the earth has a large hollow inside. That is, the earth is like a large football with empty space inside (even though our geography textbook has never taught us that). Some Russian scientists, who drilled a hole to about 14km into the earth at the Kola peninsula in Russia, were surprised to stumble into the gate of hell. They discovered that the driller busted into an empty cavity that was more than 2000 degree centigrade (or the surface temperature of the sun). And when they send a sensitive sensor inside, they heard the scream of millions of people in hell. The project was closed down immediately afterward and sealed.

When the bottomless pit is opened... locust-like creatures would come out of it and torment mankind for 4 months (but only those who do not have the seal of God on their forehead). And no one will be able to die this period even if you seek for death. I believe that after this period, those who refused to accept God are now ready for the antichrist.

The antichrist, who was chained in the bottomless pit, would use this period to come out of the pit and interact with the world. For the first 3-and-a-half year, he would be trying to court the world and make them love and believe in him. But after the 7th trumpet has sounded and satan is cast out of heaven down to the earth, his mission would become extremely critical to satan… so that for 42 months (or the reaining 3-and-a-half year) mankind would experience a great tribulation not parallel to anything ever witnessed. Those who did not pay heed to the gospel would do that with their blood they were to repent during this period because I am sure the rapture would occur after the 7th trumpet (the last trumpet) is sounded. Trumpets were used in the Bible days to signify warnings… and when he last one has sounded, you cannot have any more warnings but the face the wrath of satan.

My conclusion is that, you do not have to wait for this period to come, because if you die in your sins now, you’d go to hellfire. Judgment starts from the day you die; you cannot repent again. What a foolish thing  to think that there is still time on your side! My mother who saw heaven and hell before she died, said “when I was taken to heaven, I saw some angels ready to blow trumpets”. I never did understand what my mother was saying, till 2 days ago when God gave me the interpretation that He is about to intervene in our football-watching crazy world. Soon,no more Arsenal or Chelsea fans… but you will be forced acutely between God and satan to cast your vote on your destiny.

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