Friday, August 19, 2011


This article is taken from my book titled: “THE DELIMITATION OF THE UNIVERSE”! In that book, I stated that there are three universes or three types of universe: First heaven, Second heaven and Third Heaven

Right from my childhood I like giving ‘nicknames’ to people and things around me which I feel accurately describe what I perceive about them. Now that I am grown-up I realized that the ability to give names to things that accurately describe them is a gift from God.

So that is why this book is full of terms which I coined for some of the things in the revelations that God gave me.

In this book I termed First Heaven or nicknamed it ‘The Delimited Universe’; Second Heaven I nicknamed ‘The Limited Universe’ and ‘Third Heaven’ I termed ‘The Unlimited Universe’ or ‘the unlimited dimension’.

I said earlier on that the three universes are held together by an entity called ‘solipse’, which is my short-form term for ‘sole‐eclipse’. Yes, I have called it ‘sole‐eclipse’ because the unlimited dimension runs through the other universes and everything is living inside the Unlimited Universe, so that the unlimited dimension is ‘sole‐eclipsing’ everything in creation.

For instance, whenever you receive a phone call in your bedroom, electromagnetic waves are in fact floating into your room, passing through your walls and even through your body. You hear a voice speaking through your cell phone and you recognize for instance your sister’s voice. You are actually appreciating science without knowing it – and that is exactly how the Unlimited Universe runs through everything. God sees everything you do. We live, eat and walk in Him and by Him – just as a poet rightly says, “We are all God’s children”.

Miracle happens whenever the unlimited dimension intervenes over our Universe. Then we can say, ‘solipses’ has occurred. The first and the second universes are warped by soliptic codes (sole-ecliptic codes). Whenever a miracle occurs, ‘solipses’ has taken place, which means that God has ‘sole-eclipsed’ or intervened over our dimension.

In the mighty revelation God gave me in January, 2007, I saw clearly that miracle is the intervention of God’s power over the universe. Since it is not always obvious that an unseen power is causing the miracle, I have decided to name a miracle ‘sole-eclipse’ or solipse, which can be looked upon as the hidden body of God that runs through everything, upholding it. I prayerfully asked God to prove to me biblically what these inter‐twinning material which I termed ‘solipse’ that runs through everything is and He gave me a name for it: ‘WATER’! I was dumbfounded because I realized it was not my own idea  or intent to call it 'water'... so I began to investigate whether this was true!

WATER was the only substance that wasn’t even included amongst the recreation of the Earth in seven days. It was there on the Earth, all along, from the very beginning of time! Remember, also, that WATER formed the bases by which everything on our Earth was created! Wow! Read Genesis 1:1‐10 again. Water was there in the Garden of Eden; it is also found in the New Jerusalem of the 22nd Chapter of Revelation, proceeding out of the Throne of God.

God told me that ‘much waters’ symbolizes His presence. ‘Lack of water’ symbolizes His absence. Hell‐fire in Hades is so dry because there is scarcity of water there. God spoke to my spirit: “that is how soliptic codes look like that runs through everything”! It looks exactly like water. Frozen water is earthy; liquid water is heavenly, and vaporized water is hellish!
“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38).

Everything is coded by solipse or water. If God is in you by His Spirit, it is because you’ve unlocked the fountain of these waters! That is why Jesus said that ‘out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’ if you believe in Him.

God told me that He hardly interferes with the universe because His presence is there by His water, which passes through every substance. So nothing happens in Heaven, on Earth and down in Hell without His knowledge!

Since the presence of God symbolizes water, that is how also the three universes are composed:
i. Heaven: symbolizes LIQUID WATER – which is very dense, saturated and compacted with God’s presence. The scriptural prove is in John 7: 38, “out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water”… which by interpretation means, “the presence of the Spirit of God”.
ii. Earth: symbolizes ICE WATER – which isn’t as dense or saturated as liquid water. The fact that ice floats on liquid water shows that ice is in fact lighter than liquid water. Ice or ‘frozen water’ symbolizes the partial presence of God. That is why Earth is partially dark. Scriptural proves can be seen in Job 6:16: “which are dark because of ice”.
iii. Hades: symbolizes WATER VAPOUR – which is indeed very scanty and unsaturated. The very scanty nature of vaporized water denotes the scarcity of God’s presence. That is why Hell and the regions of Death are very dark and dry. Scriptural proves: “when an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.” (Matt. 12: 43).

Hello! Did you catch the revelation about water?

Let me clear up a certain misconception that has been puzzling scientists. In Heaven, where the water of God is much, the place is deemed SATURATED. Divinity doesn’t use the word ‘dense’ – ‘dense’ means SATURATION and lightness; while ‘spaciousness’ means HEAVY and dense! These definitions may seem wrong to humans, but they are spiritually correct. Darkness, even though it is very spacious, is in fact very dense and heavy just as Divinity deems it. Divinity’s definitions always act true to course… 

Sometime ago, some men tried to tamper with the chemical composition of water, H2O by creating ‘heavy‐water’ isotope, H3O. God doesn’t’ like ‘heavy‐water’ molecules because it is a deviation from His beloved water. That is why ‘heavy‐water’ is very radioactive! Adolf Hitler, an antichrist, wanted to experiment with ‘heavy‐water’… only God knows what could’ve happened if Hitler had gone ahead…..

Magic is definitely not a Miracle. The table illustrates the differences between the two of them.
Intervention by the Unlimited Universe  over the natural forces of Delimitation in our universe
Intervention by the Limited Universe over the natural forces of Delimitation in our universe
Done by the powers of Divinity
Done by the powers of spirits
Miracle is done by ‘solipses’
Magic is done mainly by bending time to accelerate objects to appear or disappear
Miracle is done by the Unlimited Universe over the Limited and Delimited Universes
Magic is done by the Limited Universe over the Delimited Universe
God is the source of all miraculous manifestations
Lucifer and his spirits are responsible for magic
Can be done by God, human agents and spiritual agents
Can be done by human agents and spirits only
Source of Origin= GOD
Source of Origin= LUCIFER

Magic is done by spirit beings inhabiting the Limited Universe: they bend or slow time and accelerate objects. A miracle can bring a snake out of nothing, as done by Moses, but a magic can accelerate snakes to appear obviously from somewhere else. Magic employs ‘quick‐speed’, which is like lightning: if things appear so fast, it wouldn’t be obvious to the physical eyes how they come to be.

What Moses did was to turn a physical rod into a snake by miracle. But the Egyptians sorcerers’ merely made their own rods to disappear from view, replacing them with snakes, which came by importing them by lightening‐speed.

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