Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The only way God Almighty can ‘beget’ us as sons wherefore we cry “Abba, Father!” is by translating us unto the Godhead. The only way God can translate us from being ordinary to being spiritual – from humanity to Divinity; from manifesting physical powers to manifesting spiritual powers; from doing our wishes to doing the will of God, is by anointing us with the Holy Spirit.

At Water baptism, we attest to our Faith; at the Spirit baptism, we confirm openly of our translation to Divinity. At Water baptism, we prove by faith that we are born again; at the Holy Spirit baptism, we prove by power that we are born of the Spirit!

The baptism of the Holy Ghost translates us into the realm of the Spirit. We are now in touch with God; we could now read people’s thoughts; heal their bodies, and perform all kinds of miracles as God’s will. These great works aren’t done merely by the speaking of the Word alone, but by the power of the Holy Ghost, who tells us exactly what to do in order to cause His powers to flow.

When I got filled with the Holy Ghost as a new Christian, we students organized an outreach. We went to a village to minister the Gospel to the people. There we cast out devils, prayed and healed the sick in Jesus name. There was this demonic possessed girl – an agent of satan – whom we delivered through prayers. She afterward followed us about, begging us to give her the Holy Ghost. She said, “Wow! There is bright fire burning all over your bodies, covering you Christians like a garment. It is so marvelous to behold… please give me this powerful fire or Holy Ghost of yours that I may be like you…” We told her to calm down and obey God… only then, would God give her His Spirit.

After Jesus was filled with the Holy Ghost, within 31/2 years, He did what He couldn’t do within the first 30 years of His life. He became an instant super‐star; a mighty miracle worker, and a great prophet. I loved what Luke said, that (Jesus left Galilee an ordinary man for the river Jordan and) He returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit:

“Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region.” (Luke 4: 14).

How can we be ‘born of the water and of the Spirit’ in order to enter Heaven? Being born of water is being born again. However, being born of the Spirit is, in fact, the baptism of the Holy Spirit!

Let me make you understand. Water baptism is a sacrament or rite that symbolizes your Faith as a born again. You are born again not because you were baptized by water but because of your Faith in God. So water baptism is just like an identity card for people to know you are employed in God’s vineyard. Honestly, if a born again person wasn’t baptized by water before he died, such a one would still go to Heaven. People may not see his identity card here on earth but his employers in Heaven would still recognize him when he comes knocking.

The Spirit baptism doesn’t take anyone to Heaven. The Holy Ghost is given to us as a seal of confirmation that we would be translated unto the Godhead at the resurrection. It is like a stamp that God will not withdraw from His own part of the bargain unless we withdraw ourselves.

“… the Holy Spirit of God, whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Eph. 4: 30).

If the Holy Spirit baptism isn’t responsible for taking us to Heaven, then what is the operation of being ‘born of water and of the Spirit’ all about? Good question! Going to Heaven unless you are ‘born of water and of the Spirit’ is the sacraments, which Jesus instituted. First, Jesus commanded, after the death of John the Baptist, and after His resurrection from death, that everyone should be baptized by water “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”. In this particular sacrament, we have access to the three covenants of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost).

Whether you are baptized with water or not, which is merely a symbolic rite, or whether you are baptized with the Holy Ghost or not; at the new birth when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are given full access by right to the three covenants of the Trinity. A right of ownership doesn’t necessary make you the sole possessor of an inheritance if you are found wanting. Foolish people leave their assets to rust, while wise people invest theirs wisely.

Therefore, how does being ‘born of water and Spirit’ makes us to enter the kingdom of God? Paul said that the Holy Ghost has sealed us for the day of Redemption. Water helps us here on Earth to live the life of Faith; but entering Heaven’s kingdom (on the future day of Redemption) is done by the Spirit, who would quicken our mortal bodies during the resurrection of the dead. That is when the Holy Spirit would become part of our genetic code forever. We’d become spiritual beings, so that this statement would be fulfilled “what is born of the Spirit is spirit”.

If you, for some reasons, didn’t receive the Holy Spirit baptism in your life‐time on Earth, provided you were born of water (born again), you’d be born of the Spirit during the resurrection because of your full access by right to the three covenants of the Trinity. But for not receiving Him here on Earth by the Spirit baptism, you’d have wasted that part of grace given to you. The parable of the talents symbolizes what you’ve done.

The man with ten talents went and traded and made more; same with that of five talents… while the one with one talent went and buried his. The master came back and rewarded the ones given ten and five talents respectively because they invested wisely. But the foolish servant was severely punished.

Jesus also told us about the parable of the ‘Ten wise and Ten foolish virgins’. This parable symbolizes what would happen during the resurrection. The 10 wise virgins carried oil in their lanterns while the 10 foolish virgins didn’t. Oil is a fluid; and a fluid symbolizes the presence of water. Water is Faith (or the faith to be born again)! So when the bridegroom came for them, the 10 wise ones lighted their lantern. How? With oil! They carried water in them. By faith, they were born again; so the Holy Ghost (also called ‘Fire’) could ignite them and resurrect their bodies. But the foolish virgins weren’t people of faith – they weren’t born again or illuminated. That was the genesis of their undoing.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Amazing Word - Things you never noticed in the Bible: Jerusalem--Mount Moriah 777 meters elevation- Psalm 48:2 & other verses confirm


Here I discussed about the TWO BIG BANGS. One had already taken place during creation while the other one, which would happen soon in the future, would signal the destruction and dissolution of our universe!

‘The Big Bang Theory’ is actually correct because it did occur but it wasn’t responsible for the creation of our universe. ‘Big Bang’ occurred during the creation of our universe. It happened from the very first day of creation when God said, “Let there be light”! There was a might “BANG” and the Earth became severed from ‘Second Heaven’ (the Limited Universe) and a new universe was then birthed! That was the day God announced ‘The Delimitation of our Universe’ with great power!

For reasons best known to God, He made our universe a buffer zone between light and darkness; God and Satan; and between the unlimited and the limited. Light was separated from darkness by a celestial law. Before the seven days of creations were over, God had completely delimited our universe and added a component to shield it from gross spiritual interferences from rebellious spirits.

The Big Bang noise was the pointer to the ushering in of this new universe. It was like the foundation that heralded the new laws, which began to govern these new celestial bodies. It was a terror‐noise to recalcitrant spirits but the herald of jubilation to the sons and angels of God.

“To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (Job 38: 6‐7).

Did ‘Big Bang’ occur? Yes, it did! God was the author of the ‘Big Bang’. But some scientists are unbelievers; they find it difficult to believe in God. They prefer to believe in a god of ‘force’ – called “cosmos”. I am speaking thus because the exponents of the Big Bang Theory are of the opinion that God is a ‘force’. I’m sorry if my book contradicts someone’s preconception of life. Nevertheless, the fact stands that God is not a ‘force’! Definitely, He is not! He is from a ‘Divine’ order, which can’t be explained by mere words!

Again, I want to assure you that God is a ‘Being’ and He can think as well as you do! He can do inexplicable things too! He who created the ‘eyes’ will He not see? He that created the ‘ear’ will He not hear? What do you think God to be? ?‘Big Bang’ occurred within the seven days of creation but stopped completely after that.

Secondly, the ‘Big Bang’ would soon occur again. This second ‘Big Bang’ would signal the dissolution of our current universe – although the Unlimited dimension wouldn’t be affected because it is eternal. Our universe would be destroyed without any leftover trace forever



“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.” (2 Pet. 3: 10).


“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them.” (Rev. 20: 11).


“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” (Matt. 24: 35).


“For behold, I create new heavens and new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.” (Isaiah 65: 17).


1 “I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire.
2 He had a little book open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea and his left on the land,
3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. When he cried out, seven thunders uttered their voices.
4 Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them.”
The voices of the seven thunders were meant to be uttered on a precise day in the future that is why God didn’t want John to write it down. In fact, God told me that if anyone is a good Bible student, he’d come across scriptures that point to what the thunders said! It isn’t as if God is hiding anything from us; John heard what the seven thunders uttered; if we ask God, he can equally disclose them to us. 

Now let us look at the number ‘7’. Seven is a divinely appointed number that means, “Complete”. ‘Sevenʹ also means, ‘rest time’! God, Himself, rested on the seventh day after the creation of Earth. 

Satan hates the number ‘7’ passionately. The Anti‐Christ, who is coming soon, hates ‘7’ too and he’d select the number 666. From the testimonies of people in the cult, the devil designated ‘666’ for self. On the sixth day, God created man and had not rested. So ‘666’ is an exaltation of man and self above God; anyone that bears this mark will never enter God’s rest! 

The number ‘7’ and ‘10’ are divine numbers. The number ‘777’ stands for the ‘3 days’ Jesus spent in the grave, which personalizes His sufferings on the cross. Using numerology to check up this number, we have:
Adding up 777= (7 + 7 + 7) = 21= (2 + 1) = 3 
The Jews also know that seven (years) symbolizes a period to let go of debts, set free the captives and forgive others. That is why when His disciples asked Jesus whether people should forgive one another only seven times in a day, He said, “No! forgive an offender as much as seven times seventy times within a day!” which is actually 7 x 70 (or 7 x 7 x 10)! 

Where did the 10 come from? Seven stands for God’s perfect number while three stands for the resurrection number so that 7 + 3= 10. God described the beast in Revelation as having “seven heads and ten horns” (Revelation 13: 1)। It might shock you to know that everything works according to the numerological order of Divinity.

The Mystery of The Seven Churches
The seven churches were physical churches on Earth in the days of John, and they represented seven dispensations of churches too because number ‘7’ denotes ‘seven durations of creation’. 

The seven days of creation in Genesis meant so much to us. The number ‘7’ can show how all things can be grouped. Let’s pick only three of the seven days and analyze them: the first, sixth and seventh days. On the first day, God formed Light and separated it from Darkness. On the sixth day, God created man who was the climax of God’s creation. On the seventh day, God rested from all His labours; it was shortly during this rest that the devil launched a surprise attack. Let’s also analyze the first, sixth and seventh churches of Revelations.
First: The Church of SARDIS was sharply rebuked, “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” (Revelation 3: 1). What does that mean? It meant that God began to separate righteousness from evil. A few names in Sardis did not sole their garments so they shall walk with God in white, for they are worthy! 

Sixth: The Church of PHILADELPHIA did more than expected: “See I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.” (Rev. 3: 8). Can you see that this church reached the climax of spiritual revival?

Seventh: The Church of LAODICEA rested and relaxed on the toils of the previous churches:
“Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ – and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked…” (Rev. 3: 17).
By now the devil has launched his surprise attack, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him” … at the end of the Church age, Christ have to stand outside the door and knock. WHAT A SHAME! 

As you can see, everything progresses from the first to the last item like the seven days of creation. So also, the things mentioned in Revelation progresses from the first to the last number of the seven items. Normally, the first item calls for separation; the sixth item reaches the climax, while the seventh item signals a temporal rest that gives rise to terrible satanic attacks! 

Everything mentioned about the Laodicean Church (or the 7th Church) is happening today. We are relaxing on the toils of our forerunners while the devil is busy launching the worst assault on the Christian Church today. 

We are now witnessing all the symptoms of the Laodicean Church. So taking stock from the birth of Jesus until now, which is over 2000 years; we’d have each of the seven church dispensations being approximately 300 years. That I’m not very sure. But I want to use these figures for analysis. Therefore, the seven church ages would likely have a maximum of 2100 years. This agrees with our figure 777= (7 + 7 + 7)= 21 (for 3 days).
Some Alive but some Dead
Separation of Light/Darkness
Climax of Revival
Climax/Apogee (Created Man)
Relaxed (Lukewarm)
God Rested / then Satan Attacked
A Church Age= 300 years approx. Seven Church Ages=2100 years approx.

The Mystery of The Seven Seals
What happened next? The seven sealed scroll! Definitely, the seven seals were to be let lose within the last church age or Laodicean age. The seven‐seal age wouldn’t exceed 300 years of a church age. Based on our model, each seal age may last about 30 years, summing up to a maximum of 210 years… still within the last church age (of 300 years). 

Some astrologers are forecasting that we’d soon enter the age of Aquarius, the water bearer. The constellation Aquarius looks like someone pouring out a jug of water. Astrologers are claiming that The Age of Aquarius would witness an unprecedented spiritual revival. Yes! It is because ‘water’ symbolizes the presence of God Almighty based on my revelation. Be warned God is about to intervene in the affairs of men to set up His millennial reign! 

The Second Seal signifies terrible wars like the ones we witnessed from 1914 to 1945.
3 “When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see”
4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.” (Rev. 6: 3‐4). 
The Third Seal signifies famine, which is already devastating the world; especially some part of Africa and Asia. While the Fourth Seal signifies precisely the times we are now in... strange deaths caused by diseases authored from Hades!
First Seal
True/False religion multiplied
Separation of Light/Darkness
Second Seal
Signals War
Third Seal
Devastating Famine
Fourth Seal
strange deaths
Sixth Seal
Climax at the greatest Earthquake
Climax/Apogee (Man Created)
Seventh Seal
(Half hour) Rest/Judgmental Attacks
God Rested / Satan Attacked
A Seal Age = 30 years approx. Seven Seal Ages=210 years approx.

The Mystery of The Seven Trumpets
When the Seventh Seal was unveiled, there was silence in Heaven for the space of half an hour! Why? It is because God rested on the seventh day. That 30 minute rest was the respect given to the seventh ‘sabbath seal’. After the time expired, seven angels took seven trumpets and began to blow them. Anytime God declares a rest on the seventh day, after a while, the devil launches an evil attack. So it is natural to expect the worst from satan during the age of these judgmental trumpets, which symbolizes the era of the seventh seal. 

The seven angels are going to be the strongest in Heaven. These are archangels and the last and seventh angel being the meanest of them all – the archangel Michael! According to Daniel, this angel is the Prince in charge of God’s people. He is the one marshalling God’s angelic armies. 

Let’s analyze the Sixth and Seventh Trumpets only. The Sixth Trumpet’s sound signals the climax of human warfare on Earth. Four demonic angels were set loose at river Euphrates,  and these went and caused a great World War that killed 200 million people – ten times more fatal than the Second World War! 

Since, based on my calculations, a SEAL age may not exceed 30 years, summing the Seven Seal ages to a total maximum age of 210 years, it holds that a Trumpet age may not exceed three years each, summing up the Seven Trumpet ages to a maximum of 21 years. Now, these 21 years would occur within the last seventh Seal age of 30 years. 

Between the period of the Sixth and Seventh Trumpets, a mighty angel would appear from heaven and roar. When this happens, seven thunders would utter their voices. Based on the precedence of things, starting from the seven churches till the seven trumpets, the seven thunderous voices were supposed to be the events of the Seventh Trumpet age. 

However, according to Revelation, the seven thunders uttered their voices, prematurely, within the Sixth Trumpet age. Why was this so? It was because the age of the Seven Thunders begins with the sounding of the Last Trumpet by the Archangel Michael and the resurrections of the death, which are the most hallowed events for God! That is why even John the Apostle was told to keep sealed lips about it.
First Trumpet
Earth Burnt/Water Untouched
Separation of Light/Darkness
Sixth Trumpet
Climax at the a Great World War
Climax/Apogee (Man Created)
Seventh Trumpet
Rapture occur/ Satan Attacked Heaven
God Rested / Satan Attacked
A Trumpet Age= Three years approx. Seven Trumpet Ages= 21 years approx.

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