I had a mighty encounter about God in 2007 and He revealed to me how and
why the universe began! First, He made me understand that the universe
is inter-dimensional and not merely multidimensional.
"Inter-dimensional" means that there are certain aspect of the universe
that is not visible... this realm that is invisible God made me to
understand is the eternal dimension as stated by Isaiah (that He
God inhabits 'eternity') and this realm passes through the universe and
all other dimensions. This is a realm that only one and one person can inhabit; the ETERNAL DIMENSION is inhabited by Almighty GOD alone!
Another good name to call this realm is simply ETERNITY! Some Christian theologians went further to differentiate this realm of existence from all others by calling it the SEVENTH DIMENSION. The best way to describe God's realm and all other dimensions is to
look at them as being depended on God's ETERNAL realm for existence. It is from ETERNITY that our molecules and structure and all forms of life are upheld. This realm is like an invisible tentacle that runs through everything in the universe... that is why God can be everywhere at once a property called OMNIPRESENCE! God is in this realm and this realm is part-and-parcel of GOD or God Himself, as it is the very essence of Life!
The properties of God's realm is amazing as He began to show me, I
realized that God with respect to our time measurement is a tripartite
time entity... He is in the past, present and future all at once. That is ETERNITY! ETERNITY cannot be created... THAT IS WHY GOD IS ETERNAL! Mere mortals cannot comprehend this quality but can only perceive and feel it... because the truth is that no one would die a physical death. We are all mandated to wake up from the graves in a mass resurrection to live forever either in the LIGHT (heaven) or in the DARK (lake of fire).
revelations I got from God was so much that I wrote about a 300 pages
book about it. Contact me at denoeje16@gmail.com for further inquiries.